Full Flexible-Service at Veridata Insights


1 Consultation & Design

  • Veridata Insights collaborates with clients to discuss and identify your market research needs.
  • We customize our solution to you, whether it is full-service, one specific task, or something in between.
  • From design and execution to programming and recruitment, to fielding requirements and deliverables, we have you covered.


2 Methodology

  • After determining the scope of your project, we strategize the best research methodologies to use to give you the insights you need.
  • We utilize mixed modalities and multi-source recruitment methodologies, such as panel, social media, phone, and custom recruitment.
  • Whether it is qualitative or quantitative research or both, we take a holistic and creative approach in designing your solution.


3 Survey Review

  • Veridata Insights provides suggestions on questionnaire design to maximize engagement with authentic and unbiased responses.
  • We advise on the right quality assurance checks, balances, and security measures to minimize undesired survey taking behavior.
  • After survey review, the Veridata Insights team reviews the finalized questionnaire before programming.


4 Programming

  • After the questionnaire is programmed, an internal quality assurance check is performed to ensure the correct logic, customization, and visual aesthetics are in place.
  • Our vast range of programming capabilities include Conjoint, Custom Programming Requests, Discrete Choice, MaxDiff, and Segmentation Algorithm.
  • The survey test link is sent to the client for review and feedback.
  • A second quality assurance and data check is performed before launch.


5 Data Collection

  • After the final quality assurance check is performed, the Veridata Insights team will soft launch for the client to review data metrics.
  • Once we receive approval, the Veridata Insights team will full launch and provide fielding metrics and updates based on client preferences.
  • Data files are delivered based on the client’s preference and can accommodate Excel, SPSS, CSV, Triple-S, and other formats.


6 Data Processing & Coding

  • Veridata Insights’ team of data scientists draw from a vast range of data processing techniques and tools, including:

Banners • Coding • Custom Requests

Data File • In-Language Coding

Transcriptions • Weighting

  • Whatever your requirements, we have the capabilities to code and process your data.


7 Reporting, Analytics & Data Visualization

  • We provide you with the most appropriate reporting and analytics solutions to deliver actionable insights, some of which include:

Charts • Cross Tabs • Custom Requests
Dashboards • Executive Summary
Pricing Analysis • Regressions & Sequencing    Reports • Simulators • Topline Reports
Turf Analysis

  • Our analytics team is here to provide thoughtful and experienced advice to help you zero in on the right data and create your story.


Connect with Veridata Insights today to discuss our services or request a personalized demonstration.