Read The Full Case Study Here

A business consulting firm contacted Veridata Insights with an urgent project that was running behind schedule. To make matters more complex, the timing was just before a holiday weekend.

The client needed to recruit hard-to-reach audiences of Opinion Leaders and Financial Elites. This would be for four focus groups,

requiring six participants per focus group.

We had only a holiday weekend to obtain 24 very tough recruits.

Implementing a multi-faceted recruitment approach that included our vetted partner network and specialized communities, Veridata Insights got to work.

Veridata Media is an omni-channel, vertically agnostic network of pre-approved and verified recruitment sources that follow an extensive vetting process, ensuring top-quality, insightful, intelligent participants for our clients’ research needs.

Veridata Insights successfully delivered the recruits on time, on budget, and stress-free.

On Saturday morning, we received the client’s approval. By Sunday, we had secured half of the necessary recruits. By Monday, the remaining 12 recruits were in place, and our task was complete. Our client was both thrilled and astonished that we accomplished what appeared to be impossible. Veridata Insights provided the client with the crucial actionable insights they required.

Connect with Veridata Insights today to discuss our services or request a personalized demonstration.