Veridata Insights are recruitment experts providing you with access to hard-to-reach audiences, whether it is B2B, B2C, or Healthcare. If you’re looking for a needle in a haystack, we’ll find it! Conducting effective market research requires not only expertise in data analysis and interpretation but also in research recruitment. The process of finding and selecting the right participants for research studies is critical for obtaining accurate and valuable insights.


The BizKnowledge Panel and Our Vetted Recruitment Network

Veridata Insights has built an extensive and diverse proprietary online panel, BizKnowledge. Our consumer and business professional panel encompasses a wide range of demographics, including various age groups, ethnicities, geographical locations across the US, and professional backgrounds. Having access to a large pool of potential research participants allows Veridata Insights to recruit individuals that closely match the target audience for each specific study, ensuring representative and meaningful results.

Utilizing the BizKnowledge panel, alongside our vast and thoroughly vetted recruitment network, and leveraging social media and phone recruitment, we have a global reach spanning over 100 countries.


Some of our impressive recruitment accomplishments include:

  • 400 C-Level Executives in the US and Canada in only 21 days.
  • 6,000 Small Business Owners across 22 countries in just 12 days.
  • 300 High Net Worth US Individuals of $3m+ in just 14 days.
  • 100 Hospital ITDMs in Germany in 14 days.
  • 200 Cardiologists and Neurologists in the US in only 16 days.
  • 200 Car Dealership Decision Makers in the US in just 5 days.
  • 200 Epilepsy Patients in the US in only 10 days.
  • And 200 Mothers and Babies in the US in only 7 days.

Veridata Insights has surveyed numerous hard-to-reach audiences including agriculture professionals, landscapers, fleet truck managers, institutional investors, software developers, hospital ITDMs, and many more.


Efficient Screening, Qualification, and Data Quality Measures

Veridata Insights employs a rigorous screening and qualification process to select participants who meet the specific criteria of each research study. We thoroughly evaluate potential participants based on demographic factors, behaviors, attitudes, and other relevant characteristics. This process ensures that only qualified individuals are selected, resulting in higher-quality data and more accurate insights.

Combining state-of-the-art technology with our knowledge and expertise, Veridata Insights employs the most stringent of measures to ensure our clients receive reliable data of the highest quality.

Veridata Insights utilizes The Fence – a triple-layered line of defense.

Leveraging advanced cutting-edge technology, The Fence applies three layers of intelligent data quality measures to provide the highest level of safeguarding standards. The Fence ensures that only validated and verified individuals may participate in each survey, and that only accurate, complete, and reliable data is obtained.

Veridata Insights employ numerous data quality measures, some of which include:

  • Real-Time Validation
  • Geo-IP Flagging
  • Digital Fingerprinting
  • AI Analysis on Open-End Text Questions
  • Meaningful Incentives
  • GDPR, CCPA & ISO Compliant
  • Phone & Social Media Validation
  • Continuous & Dynamic Profiling Process


Targeted Recruitment Strategies

Understanding the nuances of different target audiences is crucial to successful research recruitment. Veridata Insights excels in developing targeted recruitment strategies tailored to the unique needs of each study. We leverage our vast industry knowledge and expertise to identify the most effective channels and approaches to reach the desired participants. Whether it’s online advertising, social media campaigns, or partnerships with relevant organizations, Veridata Insights ensures that our recruitment efforts are focused and efficient.


Ethical Considerations and Data Protection

Veridata Insights prioritizes ethical considerations and data protection throughout our research recruitment process. We strictly adhere to privacy regulations and guidelines, ensuring the confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Veridata Insights obtains informed consent from participants and maintains transparency in data collection and usage. This commitment to ethical practices instills confidence in both participants and clients, fostering trust and reliability in our research process.


Flexibility and Timeliness

Veridata Insights understands the importance of flexibility and timeliness in research recruitment. We have the agility to adapt to changing research needs and can quickly ramp up recruitment efforts to meet tight deadlines. Our streamlined processes and efficient communication allow for seamless coordination between clients, researchers, and participants, ensuring that the research studies progress smoothly and on schedule.


Strong Relationships with Participants

Building and nurturing strong relationships with participants is a key strength of Veridata Insights. We prioritize participant satisfaction and engagement throughout the research journey. By creating a positive and supportive environment, Veridata Insights encourages open and honest responses from participants, leading to richer and more valuable data. This emphasis on participant experience contributes to the overall success of our research projects.



At Veridata Insights, we distinguish ourselves as a market research firm with expertise in research recruitment. Our extensive BizKnowledge panel, efficient screening process, targeted recruitment strategies, ethical considerations, flexibility, and strong participant relationships are key factors that contribute to our success. By leveraging these strengths, Veridata Insights consistently delivers high-quality research studies that provide clients with reliable insights to drive informed business decisions. When seeking a market research partner, choosing Veridata Insights can significantly enhance the effectiveness and impact of your research efforts.

Connect with Veridata Insights today.