Figuring out how to balance work and family life can feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube at times. It’s not always easy being a working parent. It can feel chaotic at times, like you are constantly juggling multiple things at once.

Veridata Insights has a special level of admiration for those balancing a career with family life, because we understand how difficult it can be. To try and provide a little help to working parents, we’ve put together a few useful tips to make balancing work and parenting a little less stressful!


Have a Routine

Having a structure in place is good for children and good for you too! Create a schedule to help you stay organized, with time blocked out for work, homework, meals, breaks, and activities.


Be Flexible

Acknowledge that some days you may feel more fatigued and less focused than others. Use these times for “easier” work tasks that require less concentration and make use of times when you feel more productive for more intense tasks.


Have A Set Workplace

If you work from home, have a dedicated space in your house to work from, even if it’s just a specific spot at the kitchen table. Communicate to your kids that when you are working you need “alone time”.


Set Boundaries

Set aside times for work and times where you’re with the kids. Resist the temptation to mix work with family time. Avoid checking work emails when you’re spending time with the kids.


Don’t Forget To Take Care Of Yourself

Working parents can get in the trap of tending to work or tending to their kids, but neglect tending to themselves! You might only get little time to yourself but use that time to recharge.


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