Read The Full Case Study Here

A data insights firm reached out to Veridata Insights with a rushed request. They needed programming and sample for an extremely fast turnaround election night news survey. It was for 18 yr old+ who consumed election coverage from Tuesday November 5 to Wednesday November 6 on any news website.

Later that same day, the data insights firm additionally asked if Veridata Insights would be able to get Spanish translations implemented between their link approval on Monday night and soft launch Tuesday evening.

The Veridata Insights team is highly skilled in programming anything, and we’re platform agnostic and can program surveys on any platform of our client’s choosing.

The programming team provided round the clock coverage after receiving the last minute urgent request late on Friday evening. The link was ready by Sunday morning and had edits coming through until 11pm. Monday and Tuesday were the same, 6:00am – 11pm both days until soft launch and then full launch was approved and then the Veridata programming team got it into field immediately.

Completing the data insights firm’s project on time, on budget, and stress-free, they were absolutely delighted.

Despite the rushed nature of the client’s needs, all timelines were met seamlessly.


The client received the actionable insights they needed from the quick turn study on consumers of US presidential election night news.

– National sample

– N = 3,000

– Age 18+

– Must have consumed news on election night – estimating 80% incidence


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